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Issue Number: Tax Tip 2024-53Summer activities that could affect people’s tax returns next year While summer is a time for fun, it’s never the wrong time to thinking about taxes – and some of those summer activities could have an impact. Here are a few summertime activities and tips on how taxpayers should consider them for filing season. Marriage
Summer camp Business travel Part-time work Some taxpayers earn summer income with a side hustle or doing gig work. They can visit the Gig Economy Tax Center at IRS.gov to learn how participating in the gig economy can affect their taxes. If taxpayers are paid through payment apps for goods and services during the year, they may receive an IRS Form 1099-K for those transactions. For more information, go to IRS.gov/1099k. Home improvements These types of improvements include Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credits for things like water heaters, exterior windows and doors and heating and air conditioning installations. Residential Clean Energy Credits are available for taxpayers who install solar water heaters, fuel cells and battery storage or solar, wind and geothermal power generation. Taxpayers can visit the Home Energy Tax Credits page on IRS.gov to learn more. More Information
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